Santiago Centro
Normally in order to distinguish the Commune of Santiago from the Santiago Capital, it is called Santiago Center.
The commune of Santiago (Santiago Centro) has a population of 392,695 (estimation 2012).
The commune of Santiago corresponds to the historical center of Chile, in which you can find a large number of museums, cultural centres, commercial bodies, financial, governmental, etc.
In the beginning, La Plaza de Armas was the main center, where the Gobernador, el Cabildo, La Real Audiencia y la Catedral de Santiago were. Also the independency of Chile in 1810, started in this location.
The commune has a number of interesting places, just to name a few, Museo de Bellas Artes, Parque Forestal, Palacio de La Moneda, Plaza de la Constitución, Palacio de La Moneda, Plaza de la Constitución, Palacio de Tribunales, Ex – Congreso Nacional, Mercado Central, La estación Mapocho, etc.
There are also some of the principal neighborhoods, such as: Neighbourhood Lastarria, Neighbourhood República, Neighbourhood Franklin, Neighbourhood Concha y Toro, Neighbourhood Yungay, Neighbourhood Cívico, Neighbourhood Paris – Londres, Neighbourhood Brasil.
How to get there: The commune is one of the sectors with the highest combinations of underground lines. The metro stations, Metro Unión Latinoamerciana, República, Los Héroes, La Moneda, Universidad de Chile, Santa Lucía, Universidad Católica and Baquedano (Línea 1, Roja), Metro stations Puente Cal y Canto, Santa Ana, Toesca, Parque O´Higgins, Rondizzoni and Franklin (Línea 2, Naranja) and Metro stations Cumming, Plaza de Armas y Bellas Artes (Línea 5, Verde).
More information about the commune of Santiago can be found in Wikipedia and the Municipality of Santiago.