More Information
For more information about Santiago and Chile, you can in general visit different websites from public and private organizations.
In the case of tourism, you can visit the website of Servicio Nacional de Turism (Sernatur) and the Turism Chile.
As for immigration matters, visas, international agreements, etc., you can visit the website Immigration and Migration..
How to call a phone in Santiago de Chile?
To call a landline number from a cell phone: Home Code of the City (in case of Santiago 02) + phone number. e.g.: 02 + 2588 2010.
To call a landline number from another landline in Santiago you simply just dial the number directly. e.g.: 2588 2010.
To call a cell phone number from a landline, you need to dial 09 upfront.. e.g.: 09 + 1234 5678
To call a cell phone number from another cell phone, you just simply dial directly the number (8 digits). e.g.: 1234 5789
To call to another country, you need to dial the country code + city code + number. e.g.: 123 + 55 + 11 + 1234 5789
Nota: Para llamar fuera de Chile resulta fácil y económico utilizar los servicios de llamadas vía Internet que múltiples operadores internacionales ofrecen.