Is a commune (location/town), in the eastern area of the city of Santiago, considered as on of the sectors with the best quality of life in the country.
It has an area of 14km² and a population of approximately 120,000 inhabitants. The population increases noticeable during the workday due to the large number of offices and companies, which are located in the commune. During the weekend the streets are mostly less occupied and you can see people practicing outdoor sports, walking their pets or simply walking down the avenues.
The commune of Santiago is crossed by three Metro Lines, Línea 1 (Roja), Línea 4 (Azul Marino) and Línea 5 (Verde). Besides the 10 Metro stations, it has also various lines of public buses crossing its main avenues: Av. Providencie, Nueva Providencia, Av. Los Leones, Av. Fransico Bilbao and others.
The Av. Providencia and Av. Nueva Providencia are the principal continuation if the city´s main avenue, Av. Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins also known as Alemada. The same Providencia is the natural continuation of the financial and commercial center of the city.
The main lung of the city is the Cerro San Cristobal, which is possible to access from Providencia (including access roads), from the rise of Pio Nono(Metro Bequedano) and Pedro de Valdivia Norte (Metro Pedro de Valdviva). The place is frequently visit by tourists and people who, during the weekend, practice sport at the hill, such as running or on bicycles, among other activities.
More information about Providencia can be found in Wikipedia and Municipality of Providencia.