Santa Lucía Hill
The Santa Lucia Hill is a cultural icon of the city of Santiago. Located in the heart of downtown Santiago, bordered on the south by the Av. Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins (more commonly known as Alameda), in the west by the street Santa Lucia, in the north by the street Merced and in the east by the street Victroria Subercaseaux. Cerro Santa Lucia is next to the Metro station Santa Lucia.
One of its main attractions is the Castillo Hidalgo, built in the colonial decade and the Fair Arstenal Santa Lucia, which offers a varied selection of Chilean handcrafts.
It is one of the most attractive walks in the city, as you will be close to the nature, while being in the center of Santiago, it also offers a fascinating view of our capital from its summit.
For more information you can visit Cerro Santa Lucia in Wikipedia.