Intercity Buses
From Santiago de Chile, the buses travel to the regions anywhere in the Country on a daily base. The values are depending on the destination and season. Generally, in the peak periods such as January and February, it is advisable to buy a ticket in advance due to the high amount of passengers.
The regional bus system covers all destinations in Chile, from Santiago till Arica (approximately 30hours), and from Santiago till Punta Arena (approximately 40 hours).
The main bus terminals in Santiago are:
Terminal Santiago, located in the Av. Bernardo O´Higgins (Alameda) 3850, Metro Universidad de Santiago. From this terminal, buses will go through Chile, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Ecuador and Venezuela.
Terminal Alameda, located at the Av. Bernado O´Higgins (Alameda) 3570, Metro Universidad de Santiago. This terminal is owned by two of the countries largest companies, Tur Bus y Pullman Bus, which travels throughout Chile.
Terminal Los Héroes, located in the street Tucapel Jimenez 21, Metro Los Héroes. Buses are departing to the north and south of Chile and abroad.
Terminal San Borja, located in San Francisco de Borja 122, Metro Estación Central. The destinations are in central and northern Chile.
Station Pajaritos, located at the Av. General Bonilla with Santa Marta and Parjaritos. With departures to Valparaíso and Viña del Mar.