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How does the tax payment for furnished apartments operate?
Depending on the country where your furnished accommodation is located, you will have to pay the corresponding taxes.
Taxes can be complex to understand, so you should take some time to understand the rules that apply to your particular situation.
To know more details about taxes to pay, we recommend you contact an accountant or tax advisor in your country.
For more information, you can see the following links according to your country:
Chile: http://www.sii.cl/preguntas_frecuentes/iva/001_030_0793.htm
Argentina: http://www.afip.gob.ar/alquileres/propietario.asp
México: https://www.sat.gob.mx/consulta/26988/conoce-tus-obligaciones-como-arrendador
Canadá: https://vancouver.ca/doing-business/residential-rental-property.aspx